
meeting on infant and young child feeding معنى

  • الاجتماع المعني بتغذية الرضع وصغار الأطفال
  • meeting    n. لقاء, دعوة, اجت ...
  • on    adv. فوق, عن, حسب; ...
  • infant    n. رضيع, قاصر, طفل ...
  • and    conj. واو العطف, أ ...
  • young    adj. حديث السن, صغ ...
  • young child    طفل صغير
  • child    n. إنتاج, ثمرة, طف ...
  • child feeding    تغذية الطفل
  • feeding    adj. مغذي; n. إطعا ...

كلمات ذات صلة

  1. meeting on education for a culture of peace معنى
  2. meeting on financial issues of agenda 21 معنى
  3. meeting on governmental-non-governmental cooperation in the field of human settlements معنى
  4. meeting on horizontal co-operation for mineral resources development in latin america معنى
  5. meeting on horizontal co-operation for the development of mineral resources of latin america معنى
  6. meeting on instrumental use of children in criminal activities معنى
  7. meeting on justice and internal affairs معنى
  8. meeting on management and conservation of marine resources معنى
  9. meeting on management of public administration معنى
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